Archived: Song of the Force by Phillip Lara

A fallen star, a rising storm; a million Stories told in the sky. Living things bound to rock and water. Unaware of what the stratosphere has to say. It speaks in whispers, it is the waves on the beach that sweeps The sand to the sea. It is the breeze in the trees that forces…

Archived: Last-Year-Old Me by Jacqueline Del Ciotto

My generation was raised on the tail end of what I call, “The Last Years,” “The Last Years” when I was handed a phone when I was thirteen and clicked away the last days of my childhood, When my grandparents gave up on trying to figure out how to take a screenshot and I became…

Archived: Rebirth by Lexi Stroud

Biography: I am currently attending Aims to receive my associate’s degree in psychology. Mental health is something that is extremely important to me. I have always turned to art as a way to express the way I felt. I think that art is such a beautiful way to express things that are harder to say…

Archived: Electric Forest by Lexi Stroud

Lexi Stroud: I am currently attending Aims to receive my associate’s degree in psychology. Mental health is something that is extremely important to me. I have always turned to art as a way to express the way I felt. I think that art is such a beautiful way to express things that are harder to…

Archived: The Light of a Dog by Kalei Kochevar

  Biography: Ever since I was little, I would always watch my father take photos of some of the most random things. Through them he was able to see the beauty of the thing itself that many couldn’t see. This drew my form of artistic expression. The beauty of things many don’t see through the eye….

Archived: Edgar: A Moment in Time by Danielle Irwin

Biography: I have always loved art but was more interested in 2-D works. I have always favored graphite and colored pencils. After taking a 3-D design class, I fell in love with ceramics and other multimedia works. I was nervous working with clay and other materials but was extremely excited when I finished my first…

Archived: Katie by Andrew Moline

Biography: Teaching Photography is a true passion for me; being among such a talented group of fellow artists and creators here at Aims is genuinely a dream come true. I love sharing advanced techniques with students, encouraging them to push their own creative boundaries further. I am primarily a photographer, and in particular I have…

Archived: Moxie by Makaelynn DuVall

I go looking for you in the night. I have figured out how to live without you during the light hours, but as nighttime comes in, I lose my strength. I close my eyes and try to feel where you are, because if I can find you, then we are still real. I start with…

Archived: Beautiful Crime by Esmeralda Ortiz Perez

Hours of scrubbing the carpet had passed. She used every bottle of hydrogen peroxide around the house to take out every drop of blood. But no matter what it was, it didn’t seem to come off as hard as she was scrubbing. Somehow more appeared. She got tired and looked around the room. Nothing but…

Archived: A Bit of Whimsy by Jocelyn Sailas

Biography: I am currently in my last semester at Aims Community College. I am pursuing a degree in physics, but I have a passion for art of all kinds. When I’m not studying, I am working on creating all sorts of things. I enjoy painting, writing, drawing, sculpting, leatherwork, woodburning, and many other things. I’ve always…

Archived: Death of a Warrior by Abby Guerrero

Biography: I’m a 20-year-old artist born and raised in Colorado. I have a special interest in western, native, and Christian themes in art where my subjects are usually animals and or cowboy associated. In my average day-to-day life I live a western lifestyle while going to school to study art, and I am a practicing…

Archived: Protector of Peace by Abigail Guerrero

Biography: Abigail Guerrero- I’m a 20-year-old artist born and raised in Colorado. I have a special interest in western, native, and Christian themes in art where my subjects are usually animals and or cowboy associated. In my average day-to-day life I live a western lifestyle while going to school to study art, and I am…

Archived: Colored Skies, Yellow Endings by Eliza Bratt

Colors. Colors everywhere. Crawling up walls and spilling onto the floor, coating corners and enveloping objects, clambering up trees and filling the cracks in the pavement. Colors, reaching up to the white ether, filling it with a deluge of extravagance. In the sky colors reached for one another, creating a masterpiece upon the white backdrop….

Archived: Ni de Aquí, Ni de Allá by Martin Rios Banuelos

It was a Sunday afternoon, and my parents were determined. They packed their belongings and got my siblings ready Today was the day, their lives would change forever, knock, knock, knock The Coyote [1] was here “Is everyone ready”? Along the way they were encountered by The Cartel. “WE DEMAND ALL YOUR POSSESIONS” … “What…

Archived: Show Me A Man by Leonel Evans Robles

Dedicated to those that grew up fatherless, had to make premature adult decisions, and were forced by circumstance to grow up too quickly. Show me a man, one whose aim is to be worthy. A man that in spite of his soreness and hurting Rises out of his bed early. A man who arrives to…

Archived: Shaking-A Sestina by Jessica J Jacobucci

I sit down and quiver in fear It’s too hard, I can’t handle this I begin to sob, my leg shakes My clothes are now scratching on my flesh All I can feel is the cold I just need to remember to breathe in Panic quickly sets in My heartbeat quickens in fear The hair…

Archived: Autumn Mourning by Phillip Lara

I wanted to gather the remnants of courage to emit a heart of purest form to you. Though I know I was not worth it; I found that neither were the tears that fell for you. So many times I wanted to reveal my truest intentions. So many times I was left with false hope….

Archived: Compañera Celeste by Adamar Vazquez

Aullidos sonoros suenan por doquier Y el lobo solitario busca a quien querer “¿Por qué tan solitario?” Le pregunta la Luna; un pensamiento milenario Su cobijo plateado provee compañía Y el lobo, solitario deja de ser hasta la llegada del día Por favor no me abandones Mi compañera celeste Tu resplandor alegra a mi corazón…

Archived: Brain Dead by Talon Fusco

Anxiety rises as class grows near He’s trying to write but his head is clear Twice a hundred words too many, oh dear Starting earlier would probably have helped Xbox and friends placed the project on the shelf Waiting was foolish Now this project seems ghoulish What else can one do but sit down and…

Archived: Drying Out by Kyle Thoutt

During the pandemic, when everything had shut down and the world seemed to be at a standstill, Steven decided to make one of the most important decisions in his life. It started out innocently enough during the weekends as a teenager; it’s hard to say when it really started to be a problem, maybe it…

Archived: The Balance

Author: Phillip Lara Email: Submission: Please see “Add Media” for attached file.

Archived: The Moon Who Craves The Night by Phillip Lara

  Biography: My name is Phillip Lara, and I usually go by Phil. I am currently pursuing a video production degree at Aims in hopes of working with film as a career. I have always loved being in the mountains since I can remember. It wasn’t until I was inspired by a friend who took photos…

Archived: Growth by Charis Fleshner

  Biography: Being an Art and Gender Studies professor at Aims is a dream come true for me. I have always wanted to be a professor and share my love of the creative process with students. I am a conceptual artist, meaning I work in many different mediums depending on the concept. I am most interested…

Archived: Light The Way by Phillip Lara

  Biography: My name is Phillip Lara, and I usually go by Phil. I am currently pursuing a video production degree at Aims in hopes of working with film as a career. I have always loved being in the mountains since I can remember. It wasn’t until I was inspired by a friend who took photos…

Archived: Queen of Crows by Mackenzie Wolfe

  Biography: Mackenzie Wolfe is a twenty-four-year-old digital artist living in Greeley, Colorado with 7 years of experience in digital painting. Growing up in a small mid-western town, Mackenzie found a love for art when she received her first tablet at the age of twelve, setting the stage for her artistic journey. With few opportunities…

Archived: Funfetti by Charis Fleshner

  Biography: Being an Art and Gender Studies professor at Aims is a dream come true for me. I have always wanted to be a professor and share my love of the creative process with students. I am a conceptual artist, meaning I work in many different mediums depending on the concept. I am most…

Archived: Western Wrangling by Daren Ford

  Biography: Hi, I’m Daren Ford, a photographer based out of Northern Colorado, living life on the front range and blessed to be so near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. After spending as much of my free time as possible deep in the mountains chasing trophy elk, I started to slow down and observe the…

Archived: Evening Glow by Phillip Lara

  Biography: My name is Phillip Lara, and I usually go by Phil. I am currently pursuing a video production degree at Aims in hopes of working with film as a career. I have always loved being in the mountains since I can remember. It wasn’t until I was inspired by a friend who took…

Archived: Reesie Roo By Charis Fleshner

  Biography: Being an Art and Gender Studies professor at Aims is a dream come true for me. I have always wanted to be a professor and share my love of the creative process with students. I am a conceptual artist, meaning I work in many different mediums depending on the concept. I am most…

Archived: Astoria-Megler Bridge by Emma Young

  Biography: Making art has allowed me to express myself in ways words can’t. I think that’s one of the biggest reasons why I create. All of my artwork is based on my emotions while I’m creating. Even though some of my artwork isn’t from the happiest of times, I enjoy looking back and seeing…

Archived: Movement of Water by Laney Gabriel

  Biography: Hello! My family has been part of Aims for soon to be more than 15 years and I grew up on campus in my mother’s office. I enjoy the student-friendly environment and community care provided by Aims. I have achieved two associates here at Aims and I will continue to study Astrobiology in…

Archived: Cold Crisp Morning by Daren Ford

  Biography: Hi, I’m Daren Ford, a photographer based out of Northern Colorado, living life on the front range and blessed to be so near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. After spending as much of my free time as possible deep in the mountains chasing trophy elk, I started to slow down and observe…

Archived: The Oasis by Nick Luna

The scotch burned my lips, then proceeded to walk its fires through my mouth and down my throat. The electric lights remained darkened like the dark recesses of the space beyond the moon. Candle light flickered and danced across the pages of this diary. It is a rushed affair, I understand, as I pen these…

Archived: Faux Art by Dominic Plascencia

The clinking of a champagne glass filled a minimalist room with little to no color except eggshell white for all the furniture. From the 70s deco chair full of ovals to the thin legged chairs surrounding a white marble table, it gave the essence of ‘filthy rich’. It was a marvelous square room, with hardwood…

Archived: Warrior of the Dead by Natalia Fuentes

I had a normal life up until recently; my life even seemed dull and ordinary to whoever knew me. Of course, this all changed very drastically, but I feel I’m getting quite ahead of myself. I should probably introduce myself first. My name is Gloria Ramirez, and I’m nineteen years old. I am a warrior…

Archived: Lost Gear by Rogelio Gaona

My head feels disoriented, and my eyes open as they start to focus on my surroundings. Above me, I locate a dim lamp that faintly illuminates the dark room. The wall is made with all sorts of gears and mechanical parts and the floor feels metallic, each tile with its own square pattern and bronze…

Archived: EnderRakst by Riley McGee

At the beginning of time there were Seven Aldstes. These Seven Fathers, as we now call them, were sent by the Gods to our world which was then called EnderRakst or The Unity. Struggling to survive, the fathers quickly banded together to survive the harsh winter. But the whirling storms had nearly brought the Seven…