Biography: Abigail Guerrero- I’m a 20-year-old artist born and raised in Colorado. I have a special interest in western, native, and Christian themes in art where my subjects are usually animals and or cowboy associated. In my average day-to-day life I live a western lifestyle while going to school to study art, and I am a practicing Christian. My faith has meant everything to me as much as art has. I’ve known almost my entire life that I was meant to be an artist some day and stubborn as I am, I will become a professional artist someday. I’ve believed my talent and determination to better my art has been a gift and blessing from God. I couldn’t talk about who I am as an artist without crediting Him. My art has gotten me through highs and lows of my life and whether I’ve noticed it or not, I can see where I was in every stage of my life through my art. I pour all of myself into my work and my hope is that while viewing it, you too can feel me.