I wanted to gather the remnants of courage to emit a heart of purest form to you. Though I know I was not worth it; I found that neither were the tears that fell for you. So many times I wanted to reveal my truest intentions. So many times I was left with false hope. How can I learn to carry on when there was nothing to carry at all? I slowly lost faith in myself as I saw someone else in your eyes. Drag my heart through thorns and jagged earth. Leave it to the frost; until the chance to unveil its truest form passes like rain on the mountains. Though my tongue staggers at the thought of gushing words you may not Comprehend; my ghost fears losing touch with you. I laid staring at the sky waiting for your warm embrace of sunlight. You were quickly taken by a breeze in the meadow. I longed to hold onto you like the branches hold onto their leaves. Fall came for us both; our length in time was shattered by A pale moonrise. Bound to the dark of the sky to flicker and fade. I’ve wandered endlessly searching for a constellation that lit a path to you, begging for a chance to hold infinity in my hand. This season has shown me that some stars are not meant to spark. Time to let go of what wasn’t there. Holding on is like holding embers. I was made to scar.
Biography: I work in food services here at Aims. Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed being a storyteller in some way or another. Whether that would be taking a pen or a picture to paper, my goal has always been to bring my stories to life and hopefully inspire, uplift anyone who finds an attachment to my photographs or is moved by a piece of my writing. Mountain landscapes and everything intimate of Colorado drew me to photography. Since then, I love chasing sunrises, sunsets, autumn colors and many more. There are still a variety of places and subjects that I still have yet to discover, which an endless motivation is for me. Other landscape photographers who have inspired me are Alex Burke, Ben Horne, Alan Brock, Gavin Hardcastle, Adam Gibbs and Nick Page. Music has made a huge impact on my life, that being metal music. It’s not just a note or a chord but the lyric that makes it more than something that can be heard to me. The lyric of songs drew me to the art form of writing.