Archived: Misty Mountain by Hannah Tofflemoyer

  Biography: My artwork takes a critical look at the beauty and wonder of the world that many of us don’t get to see. As a future photojournalist, I am constantly looking for different ways to document the world around me. I take photographs that call attention to moments in time that are often overlooked….

Archived: Psychedelic Sensibility by Alexis Winnett

  Biography: When I think of creating art, I think of creating something that is unique and not of this world. When I was younger, I used art, craft, and creativity to create a world that only I knew the ins and outs of. Different characters, worlds, and creations helped me through the difficult times,…

Archived: Nameless by Zoe Coats

Her fingers were cold as frost-bitten glass. They twitched nervously in her lap, which was absurd because she had nothing to be nervous about. The doctor ushered her toward a chair, “Ms. Oswald, you might want to sit down for this.” She arched an eyebrow, “Just spit it out, young man. I don’t need to…

Archived: Little Red: Rider of the Hood by Zoe Coats

They called her ‘Little Red: Rider of the Hood.’ She was the leader of the Riders, the most fearsome gang in Cantum City. No one really knew what she looked like, but everyone said she wore a red cloak to hide her badly scarred face. No one entered or left the Hood without Little Red…

Archived: String by Bernadette Ledbetter

The man on the moon  Gave us something to do. With a string and a ring We went to find Ping For his future wife was calling. With the strings attached We pulled them together Waiting to see what would happen. When they saw one another They embraced and they sang For they were always…

Archived: Summer by Bernadette Ledbetter

Outside was so bright and sunny  Golden rays dripping like honey Birds flew high in the sky Childish fingers clinging to the memories He grinned from ear to ear, “Summer is so warm and yummy.”

Archived: Vylona by Elizabeth Richards

She smelled like herbs and sunlight. Like failed attempts at gardening and healing salves. She sounded like lullabies and the forest. Like warnings and black bears. She looked like impulsive decisions and brash words. Like soft spoken, begrudging apologies and life-risking loyalty. She felt like warm hugs and carefully bandaged wounds. Like anger veiled by…

Archived: Sweet Tooth, or Stomach Ache by Lillie Irene Hernandez

Your lips are burnt sugar,  glazed with vanilla the texture of whipped syrup. Your cheeks are like pieces of silk draped over a crooked wireframe. Your eyes are like pools of stolen moonlight, only they hide rigid daggers beneath them. Your tongue is contracted to a script, only so effortlessly written that my heart dances…

Archived: The Tailor Patched by Zoe Coats

A woman of rhyme without reason Was Miss Melanie Bleu She wore their scorn well— The woman who was taboo. He’d left her at the altar With naught but a festering feast; To another who stays gold His heart was only leased. To the tailor she went a-calling She’d dress fit for a queen Her…

Archived: Paint Me Back to Life by Eliza Bratt

She’s different now.  I used to see her in chaos The bustle of people on the street The laugh of a child in the theater The bark of a dog in a winter park The hum of a car outside my window. Now I find her in silence In every frostbitten morning In every sunrise…

Archived: To-Do List by Elizabeth Dorst

It’s nice when I can count the worries on my hand I look at my list (my digits) and I know where I stand Then I can start to check them off one by one, Using a knife I cut my worries from my hand (very fun) I’m left with a beautiful perfect red stump,…

Archived: Cry, O Young One by Elizabeth Dorst

Sweet sap fills the air he sees, Through the thick mist and trees, He sees the bear-man, strong and tall, The little tenderfoot drools, He wants it all. But alas, his small feet are weak, He can’t express his love, His spirit is meek, He runs away when the bear-man is near, From shyness and…

Archived: Letter from an Ex-Gifted Kid by Elizabeth Richards

Please stop calling me smart. I don’t like it, and it’s not a compliment. Every time those words leave your mouth, I want to peel my skin off, Open up my skull and show you What those words have done to me. The scars on my self-love, The minuscule paperweight I call my self-worth, (The…

Archived: The Shopkeeper by Adison Linder

Bio: Ever since I can remember, I’ve been driven to create, whether it be art, poems, or stories. To me, creating something is a way to get people to think about the world differently, whether it be through a particularly good painting or a thought-provoking novel. It lets us put the stories and images we…

Archived: Strangers on a Plane by Elizabeth Richards

Jake leaned back against the plane seat, groaning as he ran his hands through his hair. Forgot my earbuds for the…eighth time now? How much worse can this day get? You really shouldn’t ask questions like that, because fate adores irony™, and yes, it can get worse. Want to know how it can get worse?…

Archived: Conflagration by Elizabeth Richards

Day Break When daybreak comes, I am afraid. I am afraid because no matter how hard I try, I cannot fathom seeing the damage done in the sunlight. During the night I steer clear of windows, for that is the only way that I have any light that I do not wish for. In the…

Archived: Little Shop Horrors by Adison Linder

Her hopes of getting a few moments of relative peace and quiet to contemplate whether waking up tomorrow would even be worth it were dashed when the man plopped down next to her. Resentment flared in her gut, churning her already soured stomach, as she felt the telltale vibrations of some inconsiderate civilian selecting—of all…

Archived: Quicksand by Katlynn Stecklein

Stepping out into the sand, I gaze The ocean never looked so clear So full of life and unexplored The ocean’s vastness looks so mesmerizing The blue filled with promise and happiness I see friends and family and laughter The sounds harmony lightens my heart I feel as though I am floating with the waves…

Archived: The Night Walkers by Zoe Coats

  Bio: I love to play around with all different varieties of creativity. I enjoy painting, drawing, crafting, and writing. Creativity is very freeing, and you can break all the rules because rules are nonexistent. My other favorite pastime is reading. I am a big lover of stories, and I get much of my inspiration from…

Archived: The Nineteenth Alice by Adison Linder

Once upon a time, in a vast abyss, there was a dream. It was a small, insignificant dream, so much that the other dreams inhabiting the void ignored it completely. Nobody bothered to ask who dreamed it, or what it was. The tiny dream in question floated aimlessly in the corporeal darkness. It noticed as…

Archived: Last Dance by Nickie Medina

I remember the Animals knocking out the bluesy number “House of the Rising Sun.” I danced my last high school sock hop in our gymnasium just before graduation the next morning. My high school sweetheart and I circled the dance floor, totally unaware of what this night really meant. I would say good-bye to many…

Archived: Linger by Tony Park

  The moon whitened the tallest tree, as the north wind bathed it in a sweet chill, whispering, “Weave just a short time like the mortals do.”

Archived: Mr. Magpie by Tony Park

I certainly understand the exaltation of larks, but what about the pitched past pitched panegyric of magpies? Oh such a scurrilous chorus of well served scorn aimed at the world around them.   And I can tell you it’s not a dark drop of devil’s blood under their tongue, but a blue map to the…

Archived: Merely Lies by Loren McAllister

“I barely even know the woman! How would I know where she is?” I never thought in a million years I would be sitting in an interrogation room. Surprisingly, it looked exactly like those rooms you see on Criminal Minds. It was musky and dark with grey walls, one long white table, and an extremely…

Archived: Compromise :: Chelle Costello

Read the subtext: I’d leave you for a horizon Bright enough, And the only reason I’m still here Is that you’d let me.   I think of the miracle That you understand me like a second language Surprising fluency in my native tongue My savage, broken bellows finally answered by a Second voice.   It…

Archived: Proposition :: Chelle Costello

  I have an idea: let’s every one of us Walk into a field- Thistleberry and old tires growing over each other, Rusted afterthoughts and migratory birds- And raise our hands to the sky To implore the great one to tell us why we are. I am sure that if all of humanity could cry…