Biography: When I think of creating art, I think of creating something that is unique and not of this world. When I was younger, I used art, craft, and creativity to create a world that only I knew the ins and outs of. Different characters, worlds, and creations helped me through the difficult times, and I still enjoy creating art and especially paintings. I don’t know what I would do without art. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t create beautiful paintings for myself and others. Each of my paintings takes a lot of time and has a little part of who I am. They always take forever, but it is always worth it in the end. I did a lot of paintings this year, including the ones on Incite, and I just love painting and being an artist. This is my last year submitting to Incite and being a part of ECA. I loved being here and seeing everyone’s art, poems, and writings every year. For me, art is just a part of who I am. I love drawing, painting, and crafting and I always will. I hope the magazine keeps going strong and that we all finish the year strong!