The Last Time by Marian Hesse

The last time we walked
          Walking on the street through the hot Arizona neighborhood
          You stopped to pull a weed in someone else's yard, a plant out of place where it didn’t belong
The day you ran away, and strangers found you, thirsty and frail, on the busy road
 We found you in the hospital like an exhausted doll.
Planted in the Haven, like a plant that didn’t belong, you walked with me in the concrete garden where you smoked an out-of-place cigarette.


Biography: Marian Hesse is a professional musician actively involved in writing and photography. Marian began taking classes at Aims when it was only a few small cowering in the shadow of the water tower in the 1970’s. The classes covered liberal arts core requirements at the University of Northern Colorado where she majored in French Horn music performance. After touring world-wide with the Chestnut Brass Company of Philadelphia, she won a Grammy award and made 22 recordings with the CBC, and eventually returned to Greeley in 2003 to teach horn at UNC. Aims has grown substantially since those early days and Marian started to take classes to follow her other interests in writing and photography, with the bonus of the outstanding gym at Aims. She has enjoyed watching the community and campus grow and thrive, now in the shadow of the Ark of the Aardvark.