The Endless Sea by Drew Brenengen

Bombs rained down
followed by pamphlets
urging families to flee

Then we came
ten thousand of us
clustered on the outskirts

surrounding the desert city
its tan buildings clustered
all holding a mystery

We knew what was next
an endless sea of doors
untold carnage

Behind each one
a potential family
a potential threat

we lined up
next to each door
next to each other

This is how it was
each portal of the unknown
earning its own mule kick

we flooded the rooms
one by one
clearing each building

Never knowing
what was in them
praying for nothing

hoping for emptiness
Every person here now
a threat

I knew our luck would cease
eventually a kick
followed by shots

only three more
three more doors
then the day ends

It was bound to end
I kicked the door
my point man rushes in

just to be blown back
Ears ringing
covered in blood

It's not mine.
Thank God it's not mine
who's then?

The fog of war clears
I feel the percussion of shots
I feel the slickness of the blood

I see the grenades
I feel them explode
I'm in the room next

There is nothing left
everything in pieces
not an ounce of life

There never was life
the surprise left for us
was one with no heartbeat

My best friend
with no heartbeat
in pieces out on the street

We wrap him up
along with the day
only to begin again tomorrow

An endless sea of doors
in an ocean of violence