It’s two in the morning and I can’t sleep. It’s raining outside. Pouring, really. The rain taps firmly and incessantly on the glass. tap tap. tap. It makes me uneasy, the tapping. I try my best to avoid looking out of the window, just in case I see something out there. Even though I know better. I think about that episode where Bart and Lisa don’t find Poe’s Raven scary, yet Homer is terrified. tap. tap. I allow my eyes a quick flick to the window. No monsters. No big black birds. Just the pale light of the moon struggling past heavy clouds. A pane of glass, covered in streaks of rain, warping and distorting the world outside. tap tap tap. I close my eyes and roll to my side, away from the window. I try to find comfort in the sound of the rain. I try not to think about the monsters, I didn’t see. I try to fall asleep. THACK. My hair stands on end, my heart begins to race. My hearing grows keener, my eyes sharper. I try not to breathe. It sounded like the knuckles of a fist, pounding against the glass. Someone is there. Somebody wants to be seen. A parade of skeletons, monsters, and beasts invade my thoughts. I cannot close my mind’s eye so I squeeze my eyelids tighter. tighter. TACK. TACK. I should turn and look. To make sure I’m safe. But it wants to be seen. TACKTACKTACKTACK. Hail. It’s just hail. But I’m too afraid to look. Maybe tomorrow I’ll buy a gun.