My Favorite day was with you By the seaside Laid out on the warm sand, the hot sun baking our skin The sound of the waves crashing on the shore The sound of the gulls ringing in our ears Later in the day we got ice cream Me vanilla, you chocolate Opposite, just like our personalities That didn’t mean much though we got along like rhythm and blues Following was sticky fingers, and sticky kisses You picked a flower and tucked it behind my ears making me blush Ever since, daisies have been my favorite flower Ending the day, we took a stroll down the boardwalk The sun was starting to set, pastel colors filling the sky I felt so giddy from happiness I thought I would float up and join the colors You picked up my hand and interlocked my fingers with yours soft yet strong making me feel invincible You put your arm around my shoulder making me feel safe and protected By now the moon was out, greeting us with a soft glow Illuminating the waves that were gently lapping the shore The stars were also out dancing and proud, reminding me how small we are You pointed out your favorite constellation, Orion We sat at the edge of the boardwalk our feet dangling off the edge You leaned over and whispered, “I love you” That is my favorite day because that’s the day I fell in love with you too.