Archived: Lost by Gretchen McLaughlin

Don’t hold it too tight, else you set it free
That precious piece of peace.
It has gone too far, and a hopeless venture cannot guarantee.

To what extent, you will never know the degree
You protect the claws of the beast.
Don’t hold it too tight, else you set it free.

Something cries in whispers of scorn, “There will always be a fee.”
Yet you attempt to find a simple way to appease.
It has gone too far! And a hopeless venture cannot guarantee

Shaken, flustered, and you are torn by debris
of a life shackled down while the shreds of panic eat
Don’t hold too tight, else you set it free.

The numb alights and thrums a monotone symphony 
A dull drone resounds despite desperate entreats.
It has gone too far. And a hopeless venture cannot guarantee

You are lost in the muddle of a dangerous mind, you are ignorant to the plea,
You no longer attempt, hope feels out of reach.
Don’t hold too tight, else you set it free.
It has gone too far, and a hopeless venture cannot guarantee.