Trapped in a body I cannot flee
My mind yearning to be free
The teeth of age ingest the fragments of my mind
The loss I cannot feel
The joys that pass me by
Magic spirals in the air
Hummingbird flight paths on a dare
Mourning doves “I love you, I love you”
And dilute yellow finch roundelays
Encircled by carefree sights and sounds
Biography: I never even thought about writing until reading about a certain wizarding school. The author had a great idea and brought it to fruition. An addictive reader is a person who is compelled by written language to read anything in front of them. I’ll follow almost any plot to the bitter end. I’ve never kept a journal and haven’t had a writing class. Languages and words are fun, and I enjoy the sound, feel, and look of words. Reading a lot doesn’t make one a writer. However, arranging words in ways that stimulate images in the mind, or feelings in the brain is an absorbing process. I am fascinated by the process and stimulated by the results.