We must grow and improve, make positive change.
We must learn from the past to broaden our range.
Some of us are so set in our ways, open your ears and listen for a change.
We can learn a lot from each other, a philosophy which shouldn’t be strange.
By sharing our perspective and point of view, you learn about me and I learn about you.
Come to find out we have so much in common; so many deep set scars that we hold.
Why does that prevent us from making meaningful connections, taking the chance, and being bold?
Don’t let judgment and hatred fill up your heart.
Don’t harness stereotypes right from the start.
Come open minded, for there’s much to be learned.
Respect, understanding, and so much more can be earned.
We’re all human, after all; Let’s embrace one another.
Be there and listen, like a caring father or mother.
Change is possible.
Put forth the effort and persistence.
It’s easy to feel trapped by our self-induced resistance.
Escaping our comfort zone and also our stigmas.
Being enlightened and becoming a more positive enigma.
A symbol of light, with a willingness to change.
Broadening our viewpoint and also our range.
The Aims Read program is an initiative of the Council for Equity and Inclusion. Each year a book is selected as a common read we can all learn from and grow our understanding of our world’s human diversity. A Writing Contest closed out our 2022-23 year working with the title Tell Me Who You Are: A Road Map for Cultivating Racial Literacy by Winona Guo and Priya Vulchi. We asked our campus community to submit written works reflecting on personal intersectionality (interconnected social identities) or “othering” experiences to fit with the main themes from the book. Entries were blind-judged by 3 faculty and staff members. The Aims Read is proud to highlight the winners of the contest here in the Aims Review! Their voices are important insights into some of the many diverse perspectives within our college.