The blue sky slowly darkened. The air thickened and became vile. The birds flew away as the clouds grew grey. A roar rumbled through the ground. A sweet scent of fire and smoke filled the young woman. The air grew musty and grey. The smoke choked her as she shed a few tears. The sweet breeze disappeared. Heat engulfed her. All light disappeared along with her hope. All her senses burned. The air roared around her as he drew near. There he appeared. One with the smoke and fire. He belonged to the heat. Glowing gold amber eyes. Like tree sap and gold shined through the smoke. Eyes filled with flames. His white hair shining like a star. Opposite of the ash and smoke that enveloped him. The man looked at the young women. He smiled while she trembled in fear. The heat burning the young woman as she couldn’t help but stare at the beauty of the man. The man approaches as the floor trembles. He glared down at the young woman. His beautiful, graceful appearance surrounded by flames and smoke. The beauty within the danger of the heat. The beauty of the flames. A God of Destruction and Beauty. The opposite within one.
Biography: I was brought to aims by the community and the support here. Arts and crafts are a lifeline for me. Arts and crafts are the clouds and sky, they are the heart and fire of life. What drew me to artistic form is the feeling of creating. The feeling of creating as I write or draw on a page paves my way through life. It is what makes me happy and smile. It is both my stress and happiness in one. As an artist I feel like a puddle of water, I can be small, big, deep, shallow, clear or colorful. As an artist I am the water droplets from the sky or the water down in the caves. I feel the best way to describe me as an artist is something that is forever changing and can be a variety of things. Such as water. Some artists that have inspired me and that I look up to are Edgar Allen Poe, Maya Angelou and Walt Whitman.