A Dark Winter by Julia Duvall

At first It’s not so bad 

in fact it makes me glad. 

Great white fluffy flakes falling

to the ground covering it like a warm blanket.


What a refreshing feeling it is

to walk out the door to such a site

of the first fallen snow. Long awaited

and welcomed back to my home with open arms. 


A hiatus from the heat can be such a treat

easy to romanticize while I sit and fantasize

childhood memories of sweet holidays.

So eager to wrap up in a sweater and scarf.


After the twenty fifth it suddenly hits 

The magic is gone. All happiness withdrawn.

Once a magical fall of precious bright powder

now a symbol of dimness and darkness.


Agony eats at my happiness

longing for new beginnings 

longing for new colors. Colors of 

deep green, precious pinks and purples.


When will it end? All emotions are in a bend.

many months of madness filled 

with great sadness 

sitting in sorrow. hopes filled by tomorrow.


No longer refreshing 

to look out the door at such a site

now golden sunshine is long awaited.

eager to welcome back home with open arms.