Archived: Adventure by Tresa New

He lives and dies a thousand times while she sits and lives a thousand lives

To each their own and to each they teach


A book, a pen, a screen can be your saving grace

Go forth find your best adventure

Whether it be living a thousand lives through a text

Whether it be living and dying a thousand times on a screen

Or whether it be writing a thousand words on a page


Live and die a thousand times

Try to live a thousand lives

Of this I urge to you;


Do not be the one who sits

And does not live a life but their own.


GO! Adventure is everywhere

On a screen, on a page, hidden within a pen

I urge you,

Find your own adventure

For it is out there.



I am a sophomore this year and I am minoring in ASL while majoring in Radiology. I have two cats and I enjoy reading and writing in my spare time.